Thursday, December 5, 2019


Attention!! If you are in between the age of 11 to 15, please follow along with the useful information above. This blog will tell you everything you need to know about gang membership. Let's start off with the question of the day, what is gang membership? This definition is broken down into two terms. The first one is gang, it refers to a group of people who participate in criminal activities and behavior. The second term stands for the people who make up the groups called gangs.
Figure 1: Trinitario gang [web image] n.d.
Why do gangs exist?  
These people's main focus is to be seen by their community as "tuff guys". They do this by getting together in big groups as shown in the image to the right (Figure 1). These groups mark the areas they live in as their territory (1).This is sometimes a problem because the way they pull this off this is by doing bad things. For example, street fighting, stealing, and sometimes take it far as killing. By doing all these bad things, they are seen as dangerous, so people around them do not mess with them. At this point, gangs reach their goal. 
What do gangs do?
Street fighting is very common for these types of people. This is also the way most of them become members, but the acts get worse.  This is when killing comes in, a lot of these are committed by gang members (2). This is also when the police fights back. They investigate until they solve the murder, and the criminals are put in prison (2).These violent acts affect the community because people get injured, which brings in more fights and problems. A lot of times, people who do not belong to gangs just happen to live around them, also end up involved. 
Why is this important? 
When kids are in their teen years, they are more likely to be exposed to gangs. Some may even choose to join these. Which is why you must be informed about these in order to make the right choice. The most important thing that should be taken from this, is that these gang members do not end well. A high percentage ends up in jail, with a small chance of doing good in life.

(1). Howell, J. and Moore, J. (2010, May). History of street gangs in the United States. National Gang Center Bulletin, no.4. Retrieved from
(2)  Holmes, R. Tewksbury, R. Higgins, G. (2011, December). Introduction to gangs in America. ProQuest EBook Central. Retrieved from
Figure 1 Dios Patria Libertad. (n.d). Retrieved from

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

What is Rap, Famous Rap Star of our day

                                     What is Rap,Famous Rap Stars of our day

Grandmaster Flash accepting an award in 2006.
Figure 1:Grandmaster flash accepting an award
        Some kids might not have grown up with rap in their lifes, others have. There are many different types of rap music ranging from gangster rap to hip hop, to rap battles it comes in many forms. Today I will be talking about what is rap and how it has had such a big influence on young children growing up. Rapping is basically, "the muscial style of incorporating rhythmic or rhyme speech in a song"(1). This kind of rap came to fame during the 70s, 80s all the way up to present day. "Hip-hop originated in the predominantly African American economically depressed South Bronx section of New York City in the late 1970s. As the hip-hop movement began at society’s margins, its origins are shrouded in mythenigma, and obfuscation" (1). The South Bronx was where it all started and where many myths and legends are born. One of the most influential rappers of the esrly to late 90's to come from this area of New York was Grandmaster Flash. He was known as one of the leading pioneers of Hip-Hop , cutting scratching and mixing(1). As seen in Figure 1 grandmaster Flash is recieving an award for his music. Grandmaster Flash was very popular while also being one of the greatest artists of all time. According to the New York Times,"Teenagers listen to an average 2.5 hrs of music per day"(2). Rap music has become so popular more and more teens are now listening more frequently at insane numbers. As his time as a rapper Grandmaster Flash had many hits, but his best one and probably his most popular one, Sugar hill. "reached the Top 20 on the R&B chart on its way to selling over 50,000 copies"(3). This was one of his more successful albums and its what started off his career with the Furious Five. In 2007 Grandmaster Flash and his group were inducted into the rock and roll hall of fame. the highest most prestigious award for a musical artist. As Grandmaster Flash was a star in the 90's, there were many that came after him who were as influential and great. But one stands out the most and I believe that Cardi B was the most influential artist as of right now to the younger audience. 
                                                       Cardi B:
Cardi B was born on October 11th, 1992 in Washington Heights Manhatten. Cardi B is known as one of the most influential female rap artists of all time. "she became the first solo female rapper to win a Grammy for Best Rap Album"(4). This was a breakthrough for many female artists that came after her. During her singing career Cardi B has had 3 #1 top hits. her most popular one "Bodak Yellow" was the one song that put her on the radar as the most popular female artist during the 2018 year. ", I don't dance now  I make money moves say I don't gotta dance ,I make money move. This was one lyric from this song and I chose this one because of the way she speaks to her audience, she had really cool ways of doing it. Just within this quote she talks about her time as a dancer and barely making a living doing that struggling to do that to now becoming a dancer and making all this money on her come up. I would say that Cardi B is the most influential artists to the younger generation because she can relate to many of them from the background she came from as she sings about. With the singing comes the fame, Cardi Bi has an estimated 7.2 million fans(5). Because of that Cardi B has become a sensation and inspiration to many younger teens and kids to adults, but she mainly appeals to the younger generation. "Cardi recently admitted that she may consider altering her persona in hopes of serving as a better role model for the youth" (6). With her music and her public appearances on television and in person Cardi B has become an inspiration to all and continues to inspires many others. As seen here in (figure 2) Cardi B is singing her Grammy nominated award Bodak yellow in concert. 

Image result for Cardi B concert bodak yellow
Figure 2: Cardi B Singing Bodak yellow. 

In conclusion, knowing that rap is one of the top music choices of this decade among the younger generation would you join? GrandMaster Flash being one of the rappers who started it all from inspiring many to Cardi B and her influence among the younger generation; they both had major impacts on the music industry and both have put Rap in the spotlight. 

1.) Rap(2019),Retrieved from
2.) Under the influence 5th, 2008)

Wearing Someone's Culture     
Figure 1: Native American costume.

        It's Halloween night! You are so excited to show off your new costume and go trick-or-treating with all your friends. You meet up at your friend's house and look around at the cool costumes: a witch, a superhero, a princess, and a Native American costume, like the one in Figure 1. All the costumes look amazing, but you notice that the person wearing the Native American costume isn't Native American. You might think to yourself, "This is a little weird, but they're not hurting anyone". But the truth is, they are being insensitive to someone's culture, which is a set of customs, beliefs, and practices that belong to a certain group of people. For example, specific languages, food, types of music, and certain clothing items could all be considered a part of someone's culture. When someone who isn't a part of that culture claims something like music or fashion as their own, it is called cultural appropriation, which "occurs when a member of a dominant culture adopts cultural expressions representative of a marginalized or minority culture" (1). Basically, it is when someone uses someone else's culture in a way it is not supposed to be used, and is not given the proper credit, kind of like plagiarizing a paper. Cultural appropriation happens all around the world, especially in the fashion world.

Native American Culture

Figure 2: Native American headdress at Coachella.

        Halloween isn't the only time Native American culture is appropriated. You might've heard of Coachella, which is a popular music festival. Seeing everyone with their friends listening to their favorite artists perform seems like a really fun time, but one of the things that gets people in trouble are their outfits. I'm sure if you look under the hashtag "Coachella" on any social media site, there will be some sort of outfit featuring a Native American headdress, like the one in Figure 2, which is a popular clothing item worn at a lot of music festivals, not just Coachella. And when influencers, or just normal people, wear them and then post pictures on social media, they are bound to get some backlash for appropriating the Native American culture.
        A popular brand that has been called out for cultural appropriation of Native Americans is Urban Outfitters. If you go into almost any mall, an Urban Outfitters is sure to be in there. The Navajo Nation is a Native American Indian tribe, and in 2011, Urban Outfitters released a clothing line featuring "Navajo-themed" patterns (2). This really hurt the tribe, and they eventually filed a lawsuit to get Urban Outfitters to remove the Navajo clothing from their store. This is considered cultural appropriation because Urban Outfitters was making a profit, or extra money, off the Navajo Nation culture while the products were still in stores.

African American Culture

Figure 3: Marc Jacobs models in dreadlocks.
         Another culture that is appropriated a lot is African American culture. A lot of the time you will see African American fashion on TV or social media on people that are not African American. For example, in 2016 Marc Jacobs, a very expensive fashion brand, got into some trouble when they featured white models wearing dreadlocks on the New York Fashion Week runway, as shown in Figure 3 (3). Dreadlocks are a type of hairstyle that is meant to be worn by people of color, as this is where the hairstyle came from. As you can imagine, this made people of color feel as though a part of their culture was being taken from them. If you came up with an idea just to have someone take it from you, it would feel pretty lousy, right? Well, that is the whole idea behind cultural appropriation.
Figure 4: Zendaya in dreadlocks.
        A lot of celebrities have also been called out for appropriating certain cultures, especially African American culture. For example, famous black actress Zendaya, who has been in shows like Shake It Up and movies like Spiderman: Homecoming, called out fellow celebrity Kylie Jenner for cultural appropriation. This incident came to light when Giuliana Rancic, a talk show host, said she didn't like Zendaya’s hair during an Oscars red carpet, which was styled in dreadlocks, a hairstyle typically worn by people of color (Figure 5). However, she previously had called Kylie Jenner "edgy" for wearing dreadlocks in a Teen Vogue photo shoot (4). Zendaya responded by saying, "There is already a harsh criticism of African-American hair in society without the help of ignorant people who choose to judge others based on the curl of their hair. My wearing my hair in lots on an Oscars red carpet was to showcase them in a positive light, to remind people of color that our hair is good enough" (4). Kylie Jenner was appropriating culture because she was wearing the dreadlocks as a fashion statement, not because she was a part of that culture or showing respect for it. She was also praised for wearing it, but when people of color wear their own hairstyle they are usually made fun of. Celebrities can appropriate culture, like Kylie, as well as be on the other side and experience it, like Zendaya.

Don't Appropriate, Appreciate!

Figure 5: Angelina Jolie in Kabul, Afghanistan.
Don't let all this talk about offending someone scare you! There is a way to wear something that is a part of someone's culture without being insensitive. This is called cultural appreciation. Cultural appreciation is when someone learns about someone's culture and participates in it as a sign of respect. Basically, don't just wear someone's culture as a fashion accessory. Angelina Jolie demonstrated this when she visited Kabul, Afghanistan. As you can see in Figure 6, she is wearing a hijab, which is a piece of cloth worn around the head, usually by Muslim women (5). Angelina Jolie was not appropriating Muslim culture by wearing the hijab because she wasn't just wearing it as a fashion accessory. She was wearing it out of respect while visiting a country where women are expected to wear hijabs. In this case, Angelina Jolie knew about the culture and was appreciating it.

So, now that you know about cultural appropriation, do you understand why your friend was appropriating Native American culture on Halloween? Do you know what it means to appreciate a culture, and not just wear it and claim it as fashion? Cultural appropriation in fashion is something that continues to happen all the time, but if we know the signs of appropriation and speak up when someone is doing something wrong, we might just be able to stop it!


(1) Issitt, M. (2018). Cultural appropriation: overview. Points of View: Cultural Appropriation. Retrieved from 
(2) Vézina, B. (2019). Curbing cultural appropriation in the fashion industry. Retrieved from 
(3) Smith, C. (2016, September 21). Marc Jacobs dreadlocks: what is cultural appropriation? Retrieved from 
(4) What I hear when you say: cultural appropriation. (n.d.). What I hear when you say: cultural appropriation. Retrieved from 
(5) Angelina Jolie visits Afghanistan refugees and issues Libya humanitarian appeal. (2011, March 3). Retrieved from 
Figure 1: Girls Native American Costume Childrens Brown Fringed Indian Dress Outfit. (n.d.). photograph. Retrieved from
Figure 2: Smith, C. (2016, September 21). Marc Jacobs dreadlocks: what is cultural appropriation? Retrieved from 
Figure 3: Hardy, A. (2017, May 26). This Coachella Attendee Was Called Out for Cultural Appropriation, and Her Response Is Going Viral. Retrieved from
Figure 4: Lewis, H. (2015, February 25). Zendaya Responds to Giuliana Rancic's Apology. Retrieved from
Figure 5: Angelina Jolie visits Afghanistan refugees and issues Libya humanitarian appeal. (2011, March 3). Retrieved from

Scooby Doo and the Mystery Crew are not a Real Gang

Figure 1 Scooby Doo and the Mystery Crew
Scooby Doo and his group of crime fighting friends (figure 1) consider themselves a gang, but the gangs we're talking about today are not groups of people who fight crime and hunt monsters. Gangs are groups of people who hang out together often to participate in illegal activities to make money (1). This is very unlike the Scooby crew, although both groups watch out for each other like a family would.

People join gangs through the process called initiation. Initiation is when the new person has to prove they are worthy of being a member through a task (1). This task is often illegal like robbing a person and ends with the person being beaten up badly by other gang members. When the person is hurt or risks going to jail, they prove how willing they are to be a part of the group and become a member for life. Many gangs try to get new members by going to schools in the area and getting young people to join. This is why you need to know about gangs and the dangers that go with them. Lots of people think their only chance to make money is to join a gang but in reality gang life leads down bad roads.

Figure 2: Gang pictured in prison
Gangs will do crazy things as a way to make money. This means sometimes members will rob places, sell illegal guns or even drugs (3). This can be very dangerous because there are other people looking to make more money and will fight for it. Another danger comes from the police because if members are caught they will go to jail. A gang is shown in jail in the picture to the left. 

The idea of making money is a reason many people going gangs. People become desperate if their family needs help or they want to live a different life style. All of gang's ways to make money are dangerous and make neighborhoods unsafe. Knowing about the dangers of gangs help us to make opinions on them and the way we all choose to live life. There are many different paths to take but my advice to you is to join the mystery crew, not a street gang. 

(1) Evidence Integration: Gangs. (n.d.). Retrieved from

Mixed-racial couples

Love in All Colors 

There was once a town where there were all kinds of bunnies that lived together and right across from them was the town of turtles. Each town enjoyed life and prospered in their own homes but both towns had one rule which was to stay away from each other no matter what for they both believed they were too different to be together. This would all change very soon.

Then one day as Bobby the bunny was hopping through the woods trying to find berries and other food for her family. As she was doing this she heard a noise rustling through the woods and became scared because it is very dangerous for any animals to through the woods between the too towns due to rogue wolves that would go out and hurt any animals caught in the woods. So she began to tiptoe through the woods just so she doesn't get hunted down by them but sadly she accidentally steps on a very loud lead and attracts a wolf that walking through. She becomes very scared because since he now sees her. Then out of nowhere a huge tree branch comes flying down which scares the wolf away and saving Bobby. She then finds out that the one who saved her was a turtle which than causes her to be more scared and tries to hide away from him. Timothy the turtle was very sad by this because he wanted to talk to her not hurt her. He walks over to where she is half hiding and grabs her paw to hold it and make sure she is okay. They then begin to talk about everything that makes them very similar which causes them to talk for hours and eventually become extremely close to each other.

Even though they love each other through they come from two different worlds they seem to have so much in common more than different. Even though they feel this way the people around them don't like the idea of this kind of pairing happening and some will do anything to stop it from happening. Bobby and Timothy became great friends but will struggle with being a mixed pair.

This is a small example of what mixed-racial couples go though. Mixed-racial couples are "Those who do not fit into this nation's racial typology are social anomalies, and are unwelcome reminders to society that race is fluid" 1*.  Some people except these types of couples while others are not so happy about them existing. Even with all of this hate "Nearly four-in-ten adults (39%) say the growing number of people marrying someone of a different race is good for society, up from 24% in 2010" 2*.  A lot of people believe that having mixed racial people is good for diversity and allow for a more diverse and inclusive group of people. "The most common racial or ethnic pairing among newlywed intermarried couples is one Hispanic and one white spouse (42%)" 2*.

Even though many people believe that having mixed-racial couples is a good and helpful thing does not mean that everyone is okay with it. "At the same time, a majority (55%) say they have been subjected to racial slurs or jokes" 3*. These kinds of couples suffer through a lot of discrimination and have to deal with racial slurs and horrible jokes that really no one should have to go through. Not only do they have to go through the discrimination from society they also have to deal with it when it comes to their family due to tradition and culture. "Culture is defined here as the social heritage, including values (beliefs, aspirations, common understandings), norms (rules of conduct), and practices (what people do and say), assumed to be shared by a group with which individuals identify" 4*. A lot of these families are against these types of relationships, especially from the older generations who want to keep these certain beliefs and traditions and these types of relationships only get in the way of that. Many of these types of couples have to go through this type of hateful discrimination just because of who they want to love and be with.

  1. Being and being mixed race (2001) Retrieved from
  2.  Key facts about race and marriage, 50 years after loving v. Virginia. (2017, June). Retrieved from
  3. - Multiracial in America: proud, diverse, and growing in numbers. (2015, June). Retrieved from  
  4. - Intercultural couples: Crossing boundaries negotiating difference. (2011). 

When You Can't Stop!

           Is there something that you do and you just can't stop doing it? This could be known as addiction.  Addiction is usually associated with drugs, alcohol, nicotine, and more.  Someone who has no control over whether they want to use the drug or not, is called addiction.  This person is dependent meaning, they feel like they need to have the drug or the thing that are addicted too.  Another term similar to addiction is substance abuse. Substance abuse is when an illegal substance, like drugs, is being used in the wrong way. This can soon lead to addiction.  Addiction can be a physical, psychological, or both.  (1)

Physical Addiction 
        Physical addiction is when a person who is addicted body becomes dependent on something.  After time, the body craves more and more of whatever that person is addicted too. When this person tries to give up on what they are addicted to, they can suffer withdrawal symptoms, which can last for a long time. Withdrawal symptoms mean having unpleasant physical and mental effects that result when you stop doing or taking something. A symptom this person may go through is feeling very very sick.  (1)

Picture 1: A picture of someone who is addicted and wanting more . (2)
Psychological Addiction
       Psychological addiction can happen when someone is craving the drug for the psychological or emotional effects.  Meaning they desire the drug, really wanting the drug or substance.  This can lead to them stealing or lying to get it.  Once again they start to feel dependent on it. (1)

Signs of Addiction 
      Someone who is addicted may show some signs of losing interest in something they use to have interest in. When they use the drug they usually use it to get away from their problems and try and feel more relaxed.  Addiction can even lead to them selling their stuff or even other people's stuff without the people knowing.  They can show signs of moodiness or behaving in ways that are unlike them. Some other signs could be having problems with sleeping or the feeling of being very upset.  There are many signs to this. (2)

                                                           What can you do to help? 
Picture 2: Peer- pressure (2)
      You cannot always help some who has addiction, they have to help themselves before someone else can help.  The best thing you can do is show that you care. Tell those people that you trust about your concerns, and be ready to help them through the way. Show that you are willing to help with whatever they need when they are ready. Addiction is a hard and tricky process to go through and even harder to get out of it.  

   Some of this can start at a young age. Young people like to experiment with drugs. This could be because of peer- pressure, it is a significant factor. Everyone wants to fit in and be accepted. There is always certain groups in school, just be sure what group you get into. It is not always about being cool or fitting in. Another reason could be cause kids start to get more freedom when they start to get older, so they are more self- confidence and independent. Bullying also can lead to trying something and then lead to addiction. (2) You never know when someone can get addicted.

             Vaping is a new trend, which is an e-cigarette containing nicotine. Nicotine is an addicting product. Vaping can also be considered an addiction. You can experience withdrawals symptoms and cravings. Vaping can be a start to addiction to other drugs.  It can impact your ability to focus. Starting at a young age can effect your brain because it is still developing, which can also make them more likely to habituate to using drugs and alcohol. (4)  Vaping can lead to life-long affects.  

                                                                  "Drugs are bad
They make you sad
They can even make you mad.
They can make you glad 
But not for very long.
Taking drugs is wrong.
So, if you want a happy life
Don't take drugs
And stay out of strife." (2)

(1) : 
(2) : 
(3) : 
(4) :

How to Stop Employment Discrimination

Story Time:
Eddie worked at an office for a corporation that made toys, theses toys need to be made and shipped out all throughout the world. One day Eddie came to do to his job, but sadly his boss, Mr. Charles gave him a hard time about the toys not being shipped from yesterday, Mr. Charles pulled up Eddie's file, and then he threatened to be fired if he didn't get yesterday's shipment and today's out on time. Eddie, of course, did his job, ten times harder, and was not fired that day, although the prior mistakes that he made early in his life were hard to deal with to get this job, to pay his bills.
Eddie is Stressed
 This sadly left Eddie very stress do to his boss putting so much pressure on one person in the office. Although people may think that Eddie is trying to show off to get, the new promotion, for a management position that recently became available. This was sadly not the case on why Eddie was working so hard, he needed to work so hard to keep his job, this would have even more stressful on a human body, this would cause Eddie to not sleep or eat correctly. While people deal with struggles every day, Eddie may have the worst of it, continually being threatened about losing his job; while is family needs the income just to get by from week to week.
Impacts on the Society
Image result for employment discrimination cartoonThe impacts of employment discrimination do not just affect that sole person, it would impact their families who just scrape enough to make by, Allowing themselves to skip out on the basic human requirements, such as food, water, medical care, and others necessities. The definition of employment discrimination according to Esmaili, Tala is "Laws seek to prevent discrimination based on race, sex, sexual orientation, religion, national origin, physical disability and age by employers" (2017). This would allow some type of discrimination to occur during the workplace. Such as different pay rates between co-workers, who are a different race, who has been there as long as the other co-workers. This also is pointed towards gender identity. According to Shah, D " ... legal databases to determine which state laws specifically prohibiting discrimination in employment on the basis of sexual orientation and gender identity... 22 states we identified having such laws" (2009). This would break down the different regulations that corporations need to follow, for non-discrimination of different gender identities. Although these databases do show the laws that would prohibit discrimination in employment on the basis of the sexual orientation and gender identity of the employee. A lot of the states in the U.S. do not follow these regulations and laws to cut down the discrimination between co-workers.

How Society Stop Employment Discrimination?

Remember to say "NO"
 Of course, there are laws and regulations that are in place to help stop employment discrimination, but is it enough to stop it completely? The answer would be "no", you as a society need to stand up for themselves instead of letting it go on for a set period of time. Although yes some employers very understanding when it comes to discrimination, they would do all in their power to stop it, while some may not, and just leave it alone as the employee's problem to deal with and not theirs. According to The University of New South Wales, "An employer must not take adverse action against a person who is an employee, or prospective employee, of the employers because of the person's physical or mental disability" (2018). While there is help out there for people who are being discriminated against, it all goes to the person who wants to come forward and talk about those things, while trying to have a better lifestyle for themselves and their family. By allowing people to say "NO!" to the treatment that they are facing would have a huge self-esteem boost for them and they would be able to pull themselves out of that mess.

1. Esmaili, Tala. “Employment Discrimination.” Legal Information Institute, Legal Information Institute, June 2017,

2. Shah, D., & United States. Government Accountability Office. (2009). Sexual orientation and gender identity employment discrimination overview of state statutes and complaint data (Rev. ed.]. ed.). Washington, DC: U.S. Govt. Accountability Office.

3. Adverse effects: Can the “fair work act” address workplace discrimination for employees with a disability? (2018). University of New South Wales Law Journal, The, (3), 846. Retrieved from