Tuesday, December 3, 2019

What is Gun Regulation?

Image result for gun regulation
Figure 1
Attention!! Did you know that in 2017, 3,410 children and teens died from guns enough to fill 170 classrooms of 20 children. Which means that could be any of your classmates that this could happen too or friends. So why are so many children, teenagers and adults dying from guns? To answer that there is policies and laws in effect to help decrease these school shootings and deaths in general. These policies and laws go under the label of gun regulation. So what is gun regulation exactly? Gun regulation is to regulate the manufacture, sale, transfer, possession, modification, or use of firearms by civilians.
Image result for gun regulation
Figure 2
AR-15 vs M16
Figure 3

Realistically anything tragic could happen to you, your friends, family and school. Such as a shooting or bomb threats anywhere at anytime in the world. Otherwise without such protection from schools and more background checks being done now. Think about it if a criminal wants a gun that you need to have a background check for such as a AR-15 which is a military style M16 (shown in figure 3) the criminal wouldn't be able to get it because of his criminal record and if they feel he's a threat they will not sell it to him for your safety and the gun stores. But as previously stated with more gun control or regulations and more, different laws coming and being made to make us safe and the united states of america guarded from tragic school shootings and massive plain out shootings as hate crimes to us and YOU as kids being protected at all times in school and at home. To conclude wouldn't you like to be able to sleep at night not worrying about your house being broken into or your school or even friends being killed in a shooting? 

Gun Violence Prevention. (2019, September 13). Retrieved from https://www.childrensdefense.org/policy/policy-priorities/gun-violence-prevention/.

Firearm Tutorials. (n.d.). Retrieved from http://www.firearmtutorials.com/index.php/long-guns/assult-rifles/ar-15-vs-m16-difference.
So what does this mean to you as children and pre-teens? well if we had the same regulations on vehicles and guns there would be less problems because there would be less shootings happening all around the USA and in schools. Just think about it one day you could be in class and the next day your school, friends and you could be in a massive school shooting, otherwise wouldn't you want to be protected by stricter gun laws? The solution about what could be done about gun violence, well in childrensdefense.org they mentioned banning military-style guns because of the accessibility of being to get a hold of one now in today's world. Another was funding a gun violence organization because we need the information not the guns. As stated before from childrensdefense.org one way to decrease deaths with children is to have the gun's be stored away in a safe place away from the children. Doing this could would drop accidental shootings with children as much as 23 percent according to childrensdefense.org. This put's everyone at home safe.

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