Tuesday, September 17, 2019


Outside the Women's Resource Center
"You are not alone." That phrase is something most people hear throughout their life, whether it be in high school during an assembly presentation or from friends. Sometimes we disregard or forget about it. But the Women's Resource Center at Bloomsburg truly believes that no one deserves to feel alone, and they do everything in their power to make people feel included. Every freshman has heard of the Women's Resource Center on their first day of school, but they might forget about it, for one reason or another. Maybe they don't fully understand exactly what the center does, but realistically, the Women's Resource Center has a lot to offer everyone on campus. The center provides a safe and comfortable space that everyone can take advantage of. 

Relaxation Room 
The inclusive environment starts before you even enter the brown and red brick building. A red sign with shimmering gold letters that reads "Women's Resource Center" catches your eye. Before you walk in, a selfie wall that displays white wings drawn on with chalk greets you. Many encouraging signs read "You are not alone" and "Dream big", which will automatically bring a smile to anyone's face. Decorated with ambient string lights, beautiful artwork, and a fresh smell, the space makes you feel at home. Student employees shuffle behind the cluttered front desk organizing papers and files. The comfortable gray couches that occupy the living room area make you want to relax there all day, reading a book or coloring in one of the de-stress coloring books provided. There is even a kitchenette full of coffee, tea, and snacks for hungry students to indulge in. The Women's Resource Center also boasts a relaxation room. When you pull back the white cotton curtain, you catch a glimpse of the small room, containing a gray sofa chair with a white accent pillow resting on top of it. The room is no exception to the at-ease aura of the whole center, thanks to the multiple white candles and Himalayan salt lamp providing soft light and ambiance. 

The Women's Resource Center came into existence in October of 2003 by some faculty and staff of Bloomsburg. "It was started by a committee of feminist-minded individuals here on campus because there was no centralized Women's Resource Center." comments Albra Wheeler, the director of the Women's Resource Center. She started working here in the summer of 2016 and is the first full-time director of the center. Albra always knew she wanted to be involved in education, but didn't necessarily want to be in a classroom setting. She didn't want a "set routine." As for a normal day at the Women's Resource Center, Albra puts it best when she says "There is no typical day." Albra's day is always jam-packed with events, meetings, walk-ins, etc. She manages her time perfectly, and prioritizes her most important appointments. As she scrolled through her schedule on her computer, colored labels for different occasions zoomed through the screen.  

Events board
When asked about the different types of events and programs the Women's Resource Center has to offer, Albra had thick, green binders filled with different activities. The binders contain an abundance of events, programs, and services that anyone can participate in, and these events range from a variety of topics. "It runs the gamut from safe sex, sexual health, consent, what is abuse, what is a healthy relationship." Albra says, counting off the programs on her fingers. In October the center focuses on dating violence, and in April it focuses on events that have to do with sexual assault awareness. For example, the "What I Wore" exhibit is a more serious event hosted by the Women's Resource Center. The exhibit features clothing worn by sexual assault survivors during the time of their attack. This is an effort to destroy the "what were they wearing" stigma around sexual harassment cases.  One of the more lighthearted and most popular events the Women's Resource Center offers is called Feel Good Fridays, which are on the first Friday of every month. Anyone can come to relax, eat some food, and do fun activities, such as making a "relaxation jar", where you fill up a jar with glitter and glue and use it as a stress reliever tool. To learn more about different events coming up, the Women's Resource Center posts updates on their Instagram and Facebook.

Aside from activities and exhibits, the Women's Resource Center also provides many resources in terms of health education. A student employee with brown hair and glasses explained that the center is currently working with the Pre-Med club on pamphlets about women's health. The Women's Resource Center also advocates safe sex by providing free condoms. As far as feminine hygiene, the center supplies girls with free menstrual products. 

Inclusive artwork
Although the Women's Resource Center focuses on a lot of feminist related topics, it welcomes men to drop by as well. Albra deals with a lot of issues that aren't specifically reserved for women. She handles problems that any college student can experience. "We also have students who drop in who just need help with time management and who are having trouble adjusting." Students come to her with more severe problems as well, such as whenever they feel anxious or depressed. "I do interact with a lot of suicidal students as well." Albra informed me with a solemn look on her face. This is not just a women's issue, and it can be hard for guys to share these feelings with someone because of the stigma around masculinity. She also agrees that "rape is not a women's issue". The center is here for anyone to utilize, it just depends on how students want to utilize it.  

When students are mandated to go to an event hosted by the Women's Resource Center and leave with a more open mind about women's issues, it makes all the stress and work of running the center worthwhile to Albra. The Women's Resource Center is an amazing resource for anyone to use, and students really feel like they are safe and always have someone to talk to. It is evident that even though people may forget about the Women's Resource Center, they can't deny the impact the center is making on the lives of students. 

Video on the Women's Resource Center:


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