Wednesday, September 11, 2019

The Harvey Andruss Library

Welcome to Bloomsburg University's library, the Harvey Andruss Library; this library has all of the resources that many college students need to become successful in their college career. This library has four floors that consists of everything from quiet areas, to group study rooms, multiple computer labs and printing areas. At the main circulation desk you can find all the helpful resources in the library with help from the commendable staff. This library has thousands upon thousands of books. The Fourth floor never is loud, essentially quiet, and respectful of all the surrounding students getting ready, for their first exams or catching up on their assignments, along with working ahead. Some people have headphones in listening to their favorite study music to help them jump start their brains; other people are annotating their books or notes trying to get their thoughts together. While others have their favorite food or drink with them to give them that boost of energy, while studying with their friends, in the group study rooms they have on all the floors except for the first floor.
Pictures of the Past! 

 The view from the fourth floor of the Library at night has a stunning view of the quad and its surrounding areas; such as the fountain, or into some parts of the construction site. But, once that building has been finished it would be a spectacular view. Moving down a single floor, there are also plenty of study space, along with little nooks and crannies that people can go into to getting away from society, and study until they are ready to make that leap of faith into that huge exam or final they are so worried about. This library, which is a safe haven for people who just need a quiet place and to forget that the social media world exists. 

While the library has a Starbucks Cafe, so the students of Bloomsbury University can get their fill of caffeine, to make their way though the long nights getting ready for an exam, or other assignments that they are working on. While people are burning the midnight oil, some are going early to the library as early birds doing there morning work they might of forgotten about before class, without walking so far to get to their classes.There can be dozens upon dozens of reasons of why the students of BU are here; they might be here for studying, or taking in the history of the library. Such as the pictures below, the map, or the older pictures that symbolize the early start of the University.

While talking to Ben, a senior who works at the circulation desk; he has seen many different things while working. Such as "Some of the new incoming freshmen, not knowing how to print." "The work I do is pretty easy, once you know the run of the place, finding books are a breezy." While Ben was doing his summer and winter classes; he would still work at the library. Ben has been in the circulation desk since his fall of Junior year, and applied to the library around three to four times. While interviewing Ben, he seemed very reluctant about showing some of interesting facts, such as the pictures from the past. Theses pictures would include the professor who was also a "big" cat tamer.
Just one floor of the Andruss Library 

While the students of Bloomsburg are taking their academics seriously, the Andruss library will always be there for the people who need a quiet place to get away and study for their exams or other upcoming assignments,  "While yes, the Andruss Library is one of the best places to study, you need to bring some friends along to keep you sane while working the long hours of getting your thoughts together" Dominic Benney.

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