Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Olive Garden

Pursue your dreams Olive Garden

            In the beginning, Olive Garden's first restaurant opened in Orlando, Florida in 1984. Currently Olive Garden is owned by the Darden Family restaurants. The Olive Garden owners want a tradition that lasts for a long time and that is sticking together with your family. Everything is better and happier when you're with family and you're together that is their goal in treating all the customers as family. 

Entrance when you walk in
      As you walk in the doors of the Olive Garden in Bloomsburg you're instantly hit with the aroma of the garlic bread sticks and the flavory smells of Italian food.  At first glance, pass the smiling waitresses, dressed in all black, the wine bottles sat in columns and rows like the Italian army waiting to serve its customers. As you gaze the walls of pictures and vines you notice an arch above the wine made with cobblestone and brick. Making the grand entrance a warm welcoming to their customers.

         Once you walk in the door the atmosphere feels relaxing and you're greeted by an employee, "Hi, welcome to Olive Garden how many people will be eating today in your party?" Once we replied we needed to wait because all the tables were occupied. Once you observe more while you're waiting for your table you will notice more people coming in. There was this younger couple that came in both had black hair and wasn't dressed appropriately for the dinner. Once they came in and found out they had to wait for a little bit the man got upset saying, "I can't wait this long... lets go," seeing the customers leave the employees tried everything they can but they couldn't break the hard minded person into waiting for ten minutes. While all of this was going on our buzzer vibrated my hand and we were ready to go to our table. 
Peach Belini

           The eating area was crowded with people. Every table either taken or waiting to be cleaned up. Every table had black tablets on the tables. When we were all settled in to our booth with tan colored cushions and a nice dim low hanging chandelier above the middle of the table. Once our waiter came to our table he greeted himself by saying his name. He was dressed in all black very tall and skinny. His personality was great with how he interacted with customers and us. He treated every customer with respect and very talkative. "How's it going guys, my name is Sean, can I start you off with some drinks?" What I got was a Peach Bellini iced tea which is my favorite. It has a smooth feel to it with a hint of peach and the freshly brewed tea. 

Seafood Alfredo
        As Sean came out he presented our drinks on a black circular shaped platter. Then Sean asked us, "Are you guys ready to order?" I replied by asking his opinion on a dish that I was willing to try. "The Seafood Alfredo is the best dish here in my opinion every time I eat here I get that all the time, It tastes great!" With that answer I had to get that in which I did. 

        In closing, Olive Garden can always be a way to get family together and make it a relaxing scenario. Once you visit the Olive Garden in Bloomsburg you will feel like you're at home.  When I was leaving the restaurant Sean says, "You will like it here at Bloomsburg. You will get through school and pursue your dreams man. Now have goodnight. " With him saying I wasn't nervous for college I was ready to pursue my dreams.

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