Thursday, September 12, 2019

QMA assisted living

There are many self less acts people tend to do for the benefit of others. We volunteer or even look after those who are less fortunate or helpless then ourselves. Are there certain characteristics that set certain people apart from those who help others or do people help others just to promote positivity in society? Well while trying to discover these questions, there is a organization that puts the question to the test.

 QMA is a non-profit human services agency that was founded in 1992. QMA supports individuals with developmental disabilities and its population consists of adults ages 21 and up. The individuals have a variety of disabilities which are often paired with a physical disability. They provide services in the New Jersey and Delaware area using trained professionals.  The main focus of QMA is to give the clients independence in their lives at their own pace but also assist in their lives as well. What QMA also does is include the family of the clients in order to gather information to help successfully give them a happy and healthy living situation. Each client has the ability to interact with the community. Here is a link to QMA's website for more information regarding their services:

When you think of certain organizations, you would think of it being located in a very busy or large area, well QMA assisted living isn't like other organizations in a way. Arriving to the location was a complete surprise. Men washing their cars, children riding their bikes in the road and some waiting on the sidewalk waiting for cars to pass. Well kept homes with green lawns were in view. Standing out in view was a big white van in the driveway of a home. Along this was multiple cars parked outside of the home. This was the home in which the clients live in. Stepping out the car and walking to the house, I was greeted with a loud but calming door sensor. Later finding out by the manger of the home that it was put in place to notify workers who enters and leaves the home. When first walking into the home, there was a sense of comfort and belonging. A feeling of peace and relaxation came across me while standing in the middle of the walk way. Curtains open, the dim sound of the TV and the sound of the washing machine made it seem as if you were home.  Also the smell of home cooked food filled the air every step I took. As I continue to inch in closer I can see the stained glass mirror on the wall by the wooden desk covered in the art work of each client , a big couch in the living room painted a neutral white color with decor vases, a beautiful glass table and a dinning room sitting each client nicely dressed with staff assisting in their feeding. 

With the help of Ryia who is the program manger and who also calls herself the "multi-tasking queen", she gives the breakdown of what goes on in the home she manages and her feelings towards her job. Ryia works in a home with four women ranging in ages of 37 to 65 years old. Working with these women, her and a group of  staff have the duties of scheduling doctors appointments, bathing and dressing,  preparing and modifying their meals, administer medications, accompany and advocating for them on doctors appointments, cleaning their home, completing their laundry, providing documentation on the assistance they provide to each of the ladies, and to integrate the ladies in the community by taking them on a variety of outings. "The role of a program manager is a very complex one and requires the ability to handle multiple task, while remaining aware of all the moving parts that play a role in the care of individuals with complex needs". That's just a small range of what her and the group of staff does. However, Ryia has must more responsibility because she is a manger. Her responsibilities include scheduling the appropriate amount of staffing in the home, conduct training of new staff and annual training for the staff that currently work in the home, and completing and log all financial expenditures for their individual funds and house funds. She also facilitates ideas for outings and shops for each of her clients.

Ending my tour of the house and getting to know more about the company, helped to shine light on the question of why do people volunteer their time to help others. " I have the most important  responsibility which is unwritten is to make sure my ladies have a great life.  Being a program manager can be very rewarding when you help the individuals you support reach their goals". People just like Ryia and her staff take time out of their daily lives to help those who cant help themselves. They begin to look at the people they care for as family and this helps make their job must better. They do something they love in return gain bonds that benefit each and every client they come in contact with.

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