Thursday, September 12, 2019

It's Not All Fun and Games

His eyes immediately go right toward the colorful banner with abbreviated greek letters, so many questions running through his head. As he walks up to the table with a group of boys seated he hopes to be able to make it through what he has heard is hell. Asking all of the questions he has while being questioned himself. Nervous yet excited he walks away with hope he will receive a text soon. 

There are multiple steps t
o joining the organization. Rushing process, is where you come and meet other fraternity members. You get to socialize and explore the various things they have to offer.  After the rushing process is completed, the fraternity discusses with the other members if they are worthy enough to join or not. If after socializing and being interviewed the members think you will make a good member, they may offer you a bid. When this is received the pledging process begins. Next, you go through challenges to challenge yourself and your mind to see if you have the dedication it takes to join. Finally after you completed all this, which can last up to 6 weeks, you are now a member of a brotherhood that will be carried with you throughout life. Heres a more in depth video on the process and some tips:

Groups blasting music as you walk house to house, abbreviated letters across their shirts, and recognition. This is what they call a “brotherhood”. Amongst the many views and opinions people of all ages feel when they hear “Greek Life”, this organization is a significant part of the members lives and society. "One of the most important bene fits to me of joining a frat is the after college affect that comes with it. Certain fraternities offer different things. Some are known for their alumni in medicine, business, politics, etc. In my case my fraternity offers me much assistance after college in my business major with career opportunities. To me this is the most important and beneficial factor of joining a fraternity." Said Ty, from Zetta Psi.
Fraternities have many responsibilities and duties. When interviewing a member of Zetta Psi, Tyler, he explained some of his duties. “There are many responsibilities that come with joining a fraternity. You have to be loyal, trustworthy, considerate to others, and generally enthusiastic. Other responsibilities also involve paying fraternity dues, doing volunteer work, and keeping up with grades especially.” he said. 
In 1776, John Heath was rejected by two latin secret sororities on campus. So he decided to make his own society with a couple of friends, today we know it as a Fraternity. Heath was a greek scholar, so he began the tradition of naming college organizations after the initials of their secret greek motto. Fraternity is the latin word for Frater meaning “brother”. The model for modern greek life today can be credited to Union University in New York in 1825. Ultimately greek life is viewed in many ways, however as you go in depth you notice everything it takes to be apart of a Fraternity.  

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